As a mother, I have always thought about how important it is to teach children the value of saving. For me, it is essential that they learn to value and care for what they have at home, knowing and understanding the limit of expenses that their parents have. Make them understand that things are acquired with effort and dedication.

I believe that this simple principle is a vital part of life, of character building. Everything is unlimited for children and many times they consider that what they ask for can be affordable, that they can have everything when they want. This can change if they are taught that things have value, that there is a difference between needs and wants, and that not all things that are wanted can be had immediately.

This is a principle that my mother has taught me since I was very little and today I thank her infinitely. She always told me that I should learn to manage my money, understanding the importance of the effort and sacrifice that should be made to obtain something, motivating me to have long and short-term savings goals, helping me to achieve those goals with satisfaction.

Teaching to save

Saving became something fundamental in my life and it is definitely something that I implant in my children, considering it fundamental for the training of good administrators, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

I love saving with my kids for fun things they like to do, like going to the movies with their friends, buying a toy or something they want. When they do, I don’t hesitate to congratulate them, it only increases their motivation to keep doing it.

This should be a common behavior at home, not only with children but with the family. It is something that parents must do as well. The example is the best teaching that can be given to them, if their parents are thrifty, they will surely learn it.

A fundamental part of saving is being taught to differentiate between what is the value and what is the Price and that there are things that cannot be achieved with money, such as sharing with the family, spending time playing games, friends, smiling and being happy. They are things that are not bought but that have an important value that must also be cared and managed.

Everything that children do has to be directed to the good administration of what they have to understand that everything has value, it is not only a matter of price, but also of effort. For example, to see the room tidy, it is necessary to do daily tasks, like: make the bed, put the toys in order, fulfill their tasks. Not everything has to be done or given to them, so that they understand that nothing is easy and that not everything can be within their reach.

All mentioned above will form children with character, with principles of responsibility, being grateful, valuing what they have every day.